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Authentic Followers. Real Engagement. Viral Content.



Case Study: Local Realtor Achieves Remarkable Instagram Growth


Sarah Johnson, a local realtor with 5 years of experience, hired Iggy Plug to focus on growing her Instagram presence to attract more clients and showcase her property listings. At the start of the campaign, Sarah had only 128 followers and inconsistent posting habits.

Our Goal: To increase Sarah’s Instagram following by at least 200% over a 3-month period and establish her as a trusted local real estate expert.


  1. Content Creation: We engaged on Sarah’s behalf creating and posting high-quality, engaging content 3 times per week, including property showcases, local area highlights, real estate tips, and reviews.
  2. Hashtag Optimization: We Implemented a targeted hashtag strategy using both broad and niche-specific tags like #realestate, #homesforsale, and local area tags.
  3. Engagement: Sarah dedicated 30 minutes daily to engaging with followers, potential clients, and other local businesses.
  4. Instagram Stories: Encouraged Sarah to utilize Instagram Stories to give behind-the-scenes looks at property viewings and share quick market updates.

Results: After 3 months of implementing our strategy, Sarah saw the following results:

  1. Follower Growth: Sarah’s account grew from 128 to 6224 followers..
  2. Engagement: Average post likes increased by 1400%, and comments increased by 1300%.
  3. Profile Views: Sarah’s profile views increased from an average of 20 per week to 1500 per week.
  4. Lead Generation: Sarah received 315 direct inquiries about property listings through Instagram DMs.
  5. Brand Awareness: Sarah established herself as a go-to local real estate expert, with followers frequently sharing her market update posts.

Conclusion: By implementing our consistent content strategy, optimizing hashtags, engaging regularly with her audience, and using targeted growth hacking techniques, Sarah was able to significantly grow her Instagram presence. This growth not only increased her visibility in the local real estate market but also directly contributed to new client acquisitions.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Consistency in posting high-quality, relevant content is crucial for growth.
  2. A mix of organic and growth hacking strategies can accelerate account growth.
  3. Engagement with followers and the local community helps build a loyal audience.
  4. Utilizing various Instagram features (posts, stories, hashtags) creates a well-rounded presence.

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"Iggy Plug transformed my Instagram presence. I went from 683 followers to 1701 in about 45 days. The followers are real and engaged!"

Sarah K

Faceless Fashion Blogger

"I was skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves. Things started slow but after a few weeks it really picked up speed. Highly recommend giving a trial a go!"

Mark T
